Kingdom Farming
What is fund the farm all about? Fund the farm is Reach’s latest initiative to help start a farm to supplement and build the churches we support in Nepal.
Nepal is an agriculture county where at least 66% of its people are directly tied to farming.
Kingdom farm will do multiple things. It will allow persecuted ministers to be labeled as farmers which is highly favored by the government.
This will also allow a constant source of food and income. They will be able to provide food amongst their people but they can also sell livestock and food to supplement families and the church.
This will also allow them to empower and flourish other tribes throughout Nepal. They can use this farm to establish other farms where this process repeats itself. This business plan and kingdom benefits are brilliant!
What will our money go towards?
– 500 Ducks and Chickens
The ducks and chickens will be used for meat and hatching purposes.
– 10 Goats
There will be one male goat. This will allow the number of goats to multiply each year.
– 2000 Fish
This will be a great source of food as well as allowing other tribes to start their own fish farms.
– 5 Pigs
Their will be one male. They will breed the pigs and will also use them for meat.
The rest of the cost includes all the materials necessary for supplying proper buildings for the animals, fencing, and a pond for the fish.
This small farm will allow them to eventually purchase land and build a huge multipurpose farm. Helping establish the Kingdom Farming in Nepal will change many many lives!